Jun 17, 2013

TheEndApp game for free for android and ios

11:12 PM By

Besides offering a perfect end to our list, Goroid Games' TheEndApp employs the basic skill of running for as long as you can. It is a behind-the-back endless runner, with a currency and IAP system and tilt and swipe controls and uses original water effects.

The environs offer a refreshing look with urban hazards, striking looks, light-hearted tone and the damage model it applies. Obstacles along the way include lava pits, cracked cement, jack-knifed trucks and broken car. There are ramps at various points to help you cover longer distances. There are 28 days with 5 challenges each day. 

Unlike other games, TheEndApp offers you multiple chances to keep running even if you bump into an obstacle. For instance, if you bang into a car while tilting to pick up a snaking line of duct tape, your screen becomes a shade of crimson for a few seconds. Another differentiating factor that is themed to the game is that while most other games allow you to collect coins or gems, The End App offers duct tape.

You can unlock different characters like Fed the Zombie, Suzy, Yukiko and Bobby with duct tape collections as well as buy PowerUps and other Extras from the Camp. In case you're greedy for additional duct tape, you can Like TheEndApp on Facebook (5000 DT), Follow them on Twitter (for 5000 DT), connect with friends on Facebook (for 10000 DT) and so on.

You can explore different surroundings in three different game mode - The End Origins, The End Pro Zone and The End London Apocalympics. While Origins is free for all, the Pro Zone needs to be bought. However, free users can get a Single Ride Pro Ticket for 10,000 duct tape to gain entry in the Pro Zone without having to purchase the episode separately. The London version is accessible only if you have Pro.

TheEndApp (iOS, Free)
TheEndApp (Google Play, Free)


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